There’s nothing quite like the Monaco Grand Prix circuit. Known for its tight corners, electrifying straights, and a bucket load of history – the first Formula 1 race took place all the way back in 1950! – it’s quite unlike any other track in the Grand Prix. But there’s a bit of a problem. For a number of years now, racing fanatics have been calling for an overhaul of the infamous racetrack, with their most prescient reason being: there’s nothing quite like the Monaco Grand Prix circuit!

That’s right, the fact that the Monaco Grand Prix circuit is utterly unique is both a blessing and a curse, leading many to believe it isn’t fit for purpose in the world of F1 racing we live in today. To understand why this is the case – and whether these views are merited – however, it’s first important to look into who’s making the claims in the first place.

The Growing World of F1 Racing

The world of F1 racing has changed since 1950, that much is undeniable. For one thing, it’s got bigger. One of the most important things to happen to Formula One was the development of the gaming world, with hit games like F1 Challenge, F1 Race Stars, and even the extensive selection of online casino games with an F1 theme managing to bring onboard new fans and open the landscape to a far broader audience.

With this influx of new fans comes an influx of new voices, new opinions, and new ideas. The 2023 season alone saw approximately 1.5 billion viewers. Compare that to seventy years ago, when coverage of events was limited and there were no video games to speak of to broaden the appeal!

New Voices, New Opinions

With social media also involved in bolstering the conversation, one opinion can now very easily become a hundred opinions – and a hundred opinions can quickly turn into thousands. As for the opinions themselves, many of them point to Monaco’s safety issues. Due to its tight corners and limited space for error, Monaco has seen numerous crashes over the years – crashes that become even more dangerous considering the lack of extensive run-off areas and modern safety barriers.

It’s also worth noting that F1 cars today are faster and more technologically advanced than ever before. Just think, the top speed of an average F1 car in the 1950s – when the Monaco Circuit was at the height of its popularity – was around 93-112 mph. In 2024, the average top speed is around 217 mph, with hybrid power units producing over 1000 horsepower, combined with turbocharged V6 engines. Monaco, in many ways, has become a racecourse of the past. A relic to be admired and appreciated, but not fit for purpose in the racing age of the 21st century.

Monaco Grand Prix a Dead Horse?

But that’s not to say the Monaco Grand Prix is a dead horse. There’s no doubt that, if F1 is the pinnacle of motorsport, then the Monaco Grand Prix is the pinnacle of F1. The course is far too historically significant than that. In 2024, the Monaco Grand Prix is still one of the most attended events in the F1 calendar, full of twists and turns and a whole lot of excitement. What many of the critics are saying is that the racecourse needs an overhaul.

In terms of the track layout, there are multiple modifications that can be made to widen certain sections or reconfigure turns to improve safety when overtaking. Advanced safety barriers can also be introduced, along with better run-off areas and medical facilities. None of these upgrades would ruin the circuit’s iconic character. On the contrary, it could make it even more alluring. Fans and racers in 2024 are far more safety conscious now.

We want speed, but we don’t want anyone to get hurt in achieving it. The Monaco Grand Prix has become so famous that winning it has become one of the ultimate prizes in F1 racing. With this in mind, racers often push themselves harder, make their cars go faster, in order to achieve crucial overtakes and end the race on the podium. If this is ever going to be safe, the circuit itself has to change. So yes, we agree with the – now numerous – opinions that the Monaco Grand Prix circuit needs an overhaul. And it needs one fast.


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