Jul.20 - In the wake of Lewis Hamilton's collision with title rival Max Verstappen, Dutch F1 GP boss Jan Lammers has accused the seven time world champion of hypocrisy.

As a controversy explodes within Formula 1 about alleged 'racial abuse' directed at the Mercedes driver, Lammers aimed fire at Hamilton for a different reason.

The 65-year-old Dutchman and former F1 driver said Mercedes and Hamilton's wild post-race celebrating while Verstappen was in hospital was "extremely inappropriate".

"Let's not forget that Hamilton is committed to things like Black Lives Matter and sustainability. He's the moral knight, but if you don't handle things like this in the right way ... he should act in accordance with his words," Lammers told NOS.

Former F1 driver Timo Glock agrees.

"It's hard to assess Lewis' behaviour after the race. Maybe he wasn't told that Max was in hospital," the former Toyota driver told Sky Deutschland.

"If he had known, I think he might have acted a little differently. Yes, he had just won his home race, but maybe he could develop a little more sensitivity as well."

Another former F1 driver, Dutchman Christijan Albers, tips Verstappen to bounce back from the 51G shunt and his bumps and bruises in top form in Hungary.

"This is the year in which Max can win the championship," he told De Telegraaf.

"I think Red Bull and Max will be on fire again in Hungary. Mercedes will have a really hard time there."

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14 F1 Fan comments on “Former F1 driver says 'Moral knight' Hamilton is hypocritical

  1. ReallyOldRacer

    Sir Lewis's on track gaffe was ugly, but equal to VER's, AND it was well known that young Max was just fine and sent to the doc's for observation tests, not injuries. Karma gonna' get Lucy, but the fans deserved the celebration. BTW, his first radio commo questioned VER's condition. He knew his condition. Fair is fair, folks.

  2. True Post

    Is anyone going to bring up the distinguished British public who cheered on when Lewis clipped Max, sending him in the tires at 180mph?

    • Oldtwit

      IF it had been the other way round they would have done the same, they were looking at a mighty move to overtake, Max would have tried it as well if the tables had been turned, he could have backed off.... when Max went off the noise backed off as they released something (apart from an overtake ) had happened.
      We want close racing and the drivers to try to overtake, it's got to end up with things like this when the cars are so close in performance.
      Luckily Max has a sore neck, lets hope that they all end up with as little pain.

    • shroppyfly

      i take it you have watched a boxing match before, anyway that's fans generally around the world .

      Im all for moving on , Hungary is the race to win for both of them,

      Im just a mischievous little sole who cant help it sometimes hehe

      • ReallyOldRacer

        Shrop', I assume that you have an inner self and that people don't walk on you, or was that a Freudian slip? Nah, you don't slip...you're skid proof.

        • shroppyfly

          ABS working fine here Ror , for those not in the know thats Anti-Bullshite-Skilled .

          Gotta be in a place like this , just don't want to advertise my skillset to much, gives the Knobheads sorry, Haters a chance ...

  3. shroppyfly

    ReallyOldRacer commented on July 20, 2021 at 20:47
    No sarcasm, British racing fans are the best in the world. Italians get the emotion prize, but Brits flatass know motor racing

    Perhaps British fans of the NATION have it easy, im going to say that within 4-5hrs Max any brit could get to 90%+ of all our race traces and that's for btcc wtcc touring cars , bsb bikes, wsb bikes, motocross too, yes bikes its all M Sport, and gp races, not rallying so much unless you like rain and mud lol , for me personally SS is 100 miles away so easy to get to, went to a few german gps in the mid late eighties too they were fun

    A great compliment cheers Ror


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