Vettel to 'say goodbye' after this season's contract?

May 17 - Sebastian Vettel loos likely to be racing away from Formula 1.
After the Miami GP, the quadruple world champion shaved his shaggy beard to appear on the BBC's flagship Question Time panel show where he admitted to being an environmental hypocrite.
"These are questions that I ask myself every day," said the German. "I'm not a saint. When I get out of the car, of course I'm thinking 'is this something we should do?'"
On top of other questions about his future in F1 and Aston Martin admitting the 34-year-old still needs to be convinced to sign up for 2023, Marc Surer thinks all the signs are pointing towards retirement for Vettel.
"It doesn't really seem that the team can become champion. Then why does he need all this?" the former F1 driver told
"I see him fulfilling the contract and saying goodbye. Aston Martin was his last chance, and it doesn't work there either."
Surer, however, thinks Vettel will remain committed to both F1 and Aston Martin right up until the chequered flag.
"The fact that he returned from having coronavirus to continue to race speaks for itself," he said. "He is trying to help the team, push it forward, and there are signs of progress. Vettel is doing his job.
"He could have just given up and no one would have been mad at him for it, except maybe the team."
The Swiss 70-year-old also disagrees with those who think Vettel is no longer fast enough for Formula 1.
"Under normal circumstances, Seb defeats (Lance) Stroll," said Surer. "Perez constantly had trouble with that, which already shows Vettel's level.
"The question is motivation. Can the battle for tenth place motivate a four-time world champion? It's hard to say."
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Seb in the show said he love driving still it's far too soon to say this we know AM are bringing big upgrades Spain just depends on whether AM can create great pace we will see
Copying Merc worked before, but not a good option now, so they are left to their own engineering. That will be difficult for them
Bye bye Vettel. Your infamous index finger shall be missed. Although in truth it hadn't made an appearance for about a decade. Lol.
Ah the good old days of "blown diffusers" to make a driver look better than he is.
Ya' know, I am beginning to forget about VET's finger waving RB days and beginning to think that he is a sinere young man. Fe might be a good compromise for him, especially with their 200 mph upgrade. Satisfy the racing urge and mitigate his conscience.
But Fe is so dull.
I can't watch it at all...
Doesn't Aston Martin have a hypercar entry for Le Mans next year?
Lol. Well well well. Look who finally crawled out. Whiny mascot Adrian the Roach. 😄 Where in the world have you been? Took a vacation from bitching about Lewis huh?
You need to show your fellow insect Fly guy and his new protege Susan how to take a break and get a life. Lol smh
Jax, our trusty nasty cunt of a hamster defender is back too, eh? I haven't felt much need to comment of late, as the on-track action (particularly the Max and Charles show) has been excellent AND relegated Baby Lewie to a fight with his teammate and his former teammate for best of the rest - bwahahhhhah! I predict Russell outqualifies and outscores him consistently by season's end and that next year the grid will be without BOTH Vettel AND the Hamster!
C'mon, Adrian, Sir Lewie only has to win 5 of the next 7 for Jaxwad's prognostications to ring true. He's been quiet lately, probably concentrating on his gold chain investments. lol
Are prognostications the same as 'Complete Bollox' where jax is concerned ?
Well good for you in showing some self control Roach man. But careful of using the word cunt' as there are more women in here these days. Even tho you're an insect, try and show some class. 😌
ROR - perhaps he's been concentrating on his blockchain investments too! Hah! I do like the "Jaxwad" tho - and here I thought in British English the word "cunt" was an insult that meant what we here in the States would call a "whinny little bitch" no?
Deffo regarding King George either way the Hamsters history, but lots of fun to be had while hes still in the midfield whinging.....
I think they are racing there this year but I don't understand the various racing classes and can't figure this 100% renewable fuel claim from Total. For me, LeMans has become way too complicated and dare I say.....boring. Yeah, I know, a blasphemous statement.
AR yes and no re the word cunt...but usually an insult in meaning but im comfortable tying it because---the origins of it came from a street in towns and cities for hookers in the 13th century called "gropecunt lane", and no im not making it it....even my home town of shrewsbury had a gropecunt lane
Does MAZ know about this? I see more oligarch investment opp's in the UK. Re the word itself: I'm on the side of avoiding perceived misogyny. Better words to use that are just as effective and completely asexual. IMO
Completely asexual eh Ror, well wed better not start a cebate on the word fanny then, that explanations a minefield lol
Completely asexual eh Ror, well wed better not start a debate on the word fanny then, that explanations a minefield lol
Good lesson for me on interpretation, Shrop'. When I hear fanny I think of a person's butt, Fanny Brice or the hard rock group. In other countries it is a derisive slang term. Lesson learned from Master S. Thx.
I'm assuming Jax is a whiny little Brit, hence my use of the "c-word" in the whiny lil' bitch sense - of course bitch is also (in its original meaning) a feminine-only-by-definition term, but again, towards Jax, derisively so. "Gropecunt Lane" sounds like something out of Dickens, if Dickens wrote bad, verbose porn!
Yep, my criticism was in error. Sorry Adrian. Reminds me of being in England, embarrassed to say 'loo' and having to hold my water for way too long. :)
I bet holding that water has gotten real difficult nowadays eh Old fella? Lol.
I figured you got your adult diapers stocked and loaded tho. 😂
Sorry old Dotard pal but you stepped into this one....again!
First off, I'm neither a Brit nor a Yank. Second, projecting onto me what I mock you for being is just intellectually deficient at best and lazy at worst. Me...whiny? What do I whine(bitch or complain) about? Mocking and whining are different things genius. Lol
Now you see why I call you Roach. You have a brain the size of insects it seems. What a gift! 😄
Dickens favourite quote,
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
I greatly respect this man as a driver and a good human being. Only he knows when it is the right time to go. The man has put up a good fight to see his ambitions succeed, if he thinks deep he can fulfill them, then he will go on.
His greatest success has been a decent, memorable human being who races cars. A great role model for younger drivers.
I'm still positive he'll continue, but time will tell.
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